SFWRITER.COM > Canadian SF > 1997 Aurora Trophy Design
1997 Aurora Award Trophy Design
Design by Edward Charpentier
A new design was used for the Aurora Award trophies in 1997. It
consists of a black oval base, with three rippling Lucite sheets
rising up from it, representing curtains of northern lights. The
middle sheet of the three has a large maple leaf etched into it.
The new trophy design was created by Toronto artist Edward Charpentier.
Robert J. Sawyer won both the Best English Long Form and Best English Short
Form Aurora Awards this year. The former was for
Starplex and the latter was for
"Peking Man."
More Good Reading
More about Canadian Science Fiction
Press release about 1997 Auroras
Rob's thoughts on what's wrong with the Auroras
Aurora Award photos
1996 Aurora Award Win
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