SFWRITER.COM > Novels > Golden Fleece > North American Cover
North American Covers
Golden Fleece
Covers of the North American bookstore editions of
my first novel, Golden Fleece.
On the left is the 1999 trade-paperback revised edition published by Tor
(ISBN 0-312-86865-0). The art is by Bob Eggleton.
On the right is the original 1990 mass-market paperback edition
published by Warner/Questar (ISBN 0-445-21078-8). The art is by
Barclay Shaw.
I much prefer the art used on the Tor edition. Indeed, as you can see
below, that art has now been used three times to illustrate versions of
Golden Fleece:
The first time was when a novelette version appeared as the cover story in
the September 1988 edition of Amazing Stories magazine [left].
I liked the art so much, I suggested that the
Science Fiction Book Club
use it on their November 1991 hardcover edition [middle].
And I also suggested that Tor use the same painting on their
November 1999 trade-paperback revised edition of the novel [right].
If you get the idea I really like this painting, you're
right. In fact, I liked it so much, I bought the original from
Bob Eggleton; it hangs in my living room.
The painting depicts the starcology Argo in the background, with
one of the ship's complement of boomerang-shaped landing craft in the
foreground. The backdrop is a starbow, seen when traveling at
relativistic speeds.
Bob Eggleton also did the covers for the U.S. editions of
my novels
Fossil Hunter
and Foreigner.
Plus he did the cover for the Tor Books, trade paperback edition
of End of an Era.
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