SFWRITER.COM > Novels > Factoring Humanity > Acknowledgments
Annotated Dedication and Acknowledgments
Factoring Humanity
For Asbed Bedrossian
. . . who has lived far away from Toronto now for ten times longer
than the two years he spent here and is still one of my best
friends. Thank goodness for e-mail!
[Asbed was one of my closest friends in high school; we met in
Grade-11 physics class. In the summer of 1977, we were two
of our school's five delegates to a special program for the top
math and science students in the city; we worked together on
a project involving lasers. An Armenian immigrant, Asbed lived in Toronto from
August 1976 to August 1978, then relocated with his family to Los Angeles. We keep in
touch almost daily by e-mail and see each other as often as
our travel schedules permit.]
Sincere thanks to:
- my agent Ralph Vicinanza and his associate,
Christopher Lotts [Factoring Humanity was the second
book on the first two-book contract Ralph got for me
with Tor; the first book on that contract was
Frameshift; Chris, a fine
agent in his own right, has done a lot of business on my behalf,
as well]
- my editor at Tor, David G. Hartwell [this is the second
book I'd done for David, who is a terrific editor; I pitched Factoring
Humanity to him over a wonderful dinner at a The Mill restaurant
in Ottawa on May 17, 1996]
- Joy Chamberlain and Jane Johnson of HarperCollins UK [my
British editors, who bought U.K. rights to Factoring
Humanity; Joy made some excellent editorial suggestions that
are reflected in both the British and the American editions of
the book]
- Rudy Rucker [the famed mathematician and SF writer, who
answered some of my questions about hypercubes]
- Tad Dembinsky [David Hartwell's former assistant and the
first person at Tor to read the finished manuscript of
Factoring Humanity; his enthusiasm for it meant a lot to
me; tragically, Tad passed away in September 1999, at the age of 27, from
a heart attack related to childhood heart disease; the "Dembinski fields"
in this novel were named in his honor, before he passed away]
- Tom Doherty [Tor's publisher; the man who authorized the
two-book deal under which this book was written]
- Andy LeCount [my publicist at Tor]
- Jim Minz [David G. Hartwell's new assistant at Tor, replacing
Tad Dembinski]
- Linda Quinton of Tor [associate publisher, and Tom Doherty's daughter]
- Robert Howard and Suzanne Hallsworth of H. B.
Fenn [the marketing director and publicity director for Tor's
Canadian distributor; they do an incredible job of placing and
promoting my books in Canada].
Special thanks to Ottawa artist Larry Stewart, who graciously
provided the line drawings [Larry often known by his fannish
name of "The Doctor" is an Aurora Award-winning entertainer, a
frequent Guest of Honor at Canadian SF conventions, and a very
talented artist. He drew the unfolded tesseract and Necker cube
diagrams for the book].
Many thanks to those who read and commented on all or part of the
- Ted Bleaney [high-school friend; The
Terminal Experiment is dedicated to him]
- Linda C. Carson [playwright in Waterloo, Ontario, and the
wife of SF writer James Alan Gardner]
- Merle Casci [friend; the wife of SF writer Terence M. Green;
Frameshift is dedicated to her and Terry]
- David Livingstone Clink [my brother-in-law; circulation
coordinator at one of York University's libraries]
- Martin Crumpton [British SF writer, who helped with the scene
in the newsagent's shop]
- James Alan Gardner [friend and fellow SF writer]
- Terence M. Green [friend and fellow SF
- Tom McGee [of Nashville, Tennessee; a rare-books dealer, he
read Factoring Humanity in manuscript. Tom and his partner
Larry Woods have produced signed limited
editions of my novels The Terminal
Experiment and Golden
- Howard Miller [blind and deaf fan I met through CompuServe; he
proofreads all my books, using a Braille computer display]
- Ariel Reich [an old high-school buddy who is a Ph.D. in
- Alan B. Sawyer [my younger brother]
- Edo van Belkom [fellow writer;
Illegal Alien is dedicated to him]
- and especially my lovely wife,
Carolyn Clink.
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