SFWRITER.COM > Canadian SF > John Robert Colombo
Encyclopedia Galactica
John Robert Colombo
by Robert J. Sawyer
Copyright © 1993 by
Robert J. Sawyer
All Rights Reserved
Colombo, John Robert, born in Canada on 24 March 1936
Colombo is an editor and anthologist living in Toronto who
sometimes publishes in the fields of science fiction, fantasy,
and horror. Nationally famous for his many collections of
Canadiana (most significant of which is Colombo's Canadian
Quotations, 1974), Colombo was dubbed "the master gatherer" by
the Canadian press, but refers to himself as a "folklorist." He
produced the first-ever anthology of Canadian science fiction,
Other Canadas (1979), a hardcover reprint collection containing
21 fiction pieces and 28 poems. Colombo was occasionally
criticized for his generous definition of Canadian authors or
setting, and for making little distinction between SF, fantasy,
the weird, and the offbeat (seeing them all as "fantastic
literature"), but this valuable volume remains the definitive
historical retrospective of
Canadian SF.
Colombo's other significant genre books include: Mostly Monsters
(1977), a collection of "found poetry" prose text that Colombo
has rearranged as verse, gathered mostly from SF sources;
Friendly Aliens (1981), a collection of thirteen SF stories by
foreign authors set in Canada; Years of Light: A Celebration of
Leslie A. Croutch (1982), a biography of Canadian fanzine
publisher Croutch (1915-1969), as well as a general look at SF
fandom in Canada; and Worlds in Small (1992), an anthology of
stories of fifty words or less, most of which are SF. Colombo
has also published two significant bibliographies: Blackwood's
Books (1981), the first listing of works by British fantasist
Algernon Blackwood; and, in collaboration with Alexandre L.
Amprimoz, John Bell, and Michael Richardson, CDN SF&F (1979), the
first bibliography of Canadian contributions to the SF field.
More Good Reading
A more-recent appreciation of
John Robert Colombo
Three short-short Canadian SF Stories by
Terence M. Green, Robert J. Sawyer, and Andrew Weiner, introduced by
John Robert Colombo
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