SFWRITER.COM > Nonfiction > Writers Online
Writers Online
by Robert J. Sawyer
Originally published in Database Canada,
February 1991
Copyright © 1991 by
Robert J. Sawyer
All Rights Reserved
A freelance writer is an instant expert. He or she has to
be. After all, an editor may call on Monday and say, "Give me
2,000 words about hog farming in Ontario by Friday!" Before the
writer can talk knowledgeably about that issue, he or she has to
become intimately familiar with it. That used to mean a trip to
the library, poring over all sorts of documents, trying to learn
all things hoggish in a manner of hours.
Not anymore. Increasingly, freelance writers make direct
use of online databases. For instance, most of Canada's top
magazine writers belong to the Periodical Writers Association of
Canada. PWAC stuck a deal with the online service QL/Systems to
waive sign-up fees and monthly minimums for its members. Now, QL
(which originally stood for "Quick Law") is best known for its
legal and government databases, and those can be quite handy, but
what particularly attracts PWAC members to QL is access to all
Canadian Press stories back to the early 1980s. With a
well-targeted search, a freelancer can get a complete rundown on
past press coverage of any issue in a matter of minutes.
Of course, old facts and figures are of no use to a
freelancer, except for a historical overview, but a quick online
scan of back newspaper articles provides a list of contacts
government offices involved, industry pundits, and so on. Using
the Canadian Press database, the freelancer quickly comes
up-to-speed on the topic, and has in hand a good initial list of
interview subjects.
If more background information is required, again the
freelancer may let his or her modem do the browsing, instead of
actually heading out to the library. Some libraries now have
their card catalogs online, available for public dial-up. I use
Yorkline, the interactive catalog for York University, since I
happen to live near the campus. It's free and openly available
to the public. No account or password is required to access it.
Using the catalog lets me quickly find out what books are
available on any subject, but, just as importantly, Yorkline
tells whether their copy of the book is checked out. Time is
money for the freelancer, and knowing that a trip to the library
won't be fruitful is almost as important as finding out
that it will be.
Card catalogs are all well and good, but I want to know if
the book will be useful before I actually go out to get it. For
that, I use Book Review Digest. It's a service from H. W. Wilson
Company offered on the consumer online service CompuServe through
a joint effort with Telebase Systems, Inc. For two dollars, Book
Review Digest gives me up to 10 titles meeting any search
criteria I want; for another two bucks per title, I can get
synopses of major reviews of a book, letting me know immediately
which volumes might make good background reading and, just as
importantly, which authors could be useful interview subjects.
Librarians are wonderful about answering general reference
questions over the phone, but sometimes nothing beats browsing an
encyclopedia. A print encyclopedia is an expensive purchase and
gets out-of-date rapidly. Many freelancers use computerized
encyclopedias instead. The most readily available is
Grolier's Online Encyclopedia, with 32,000 articles,
updated quarterly. It's available as part of the basic flat
monthly fee through both CompuServe and GEnie.
Indeed, interactive services such as CompuServe, GEnie, and
Delphi are increasingly popular with freelancers. When I was a
freelance editor for The Financial Times of Canada, I had
my writers submit articles to me via electronic mail on
CompuServe a local call from all major North American cities,
and far more convenient for both the writer and myself than
arranging for us both to be home at the same time so that we
could do a direct modem transfer.
Plesman Publications, responsible for many high-tech trade
magazines and newspapers, has taken this a step further,
providing a special section on their Computing Canada Online
bulletin-board service for their writers and editors to swap
manuscripts and exchange electronic mail. CCO also allows, in
another section, readers of Plesman periodicals to talk directly
with the writers.
Increasingly, I find that the commercial online databases
are my best allies: they represent a community of experts from
all over the world who "network" not just in the computer sense,
but in the business sense as well, gladly sharing their
Let me give you an example of just how useful access to
these experts can be. My first science fiction novel,
Golden Fleece, was published in
December 1990 by Warner Books, New York, as part of the Questar
Science Fiction line. I made heavy use of CompuServe, my online
service of choice, in creating this book.
Golden Fleece is set aboard a Bussard ramjet, one of the
very few theoretically possible types of starships. The Bussard
ramjet was proposed in the early 1960s by physicist Dr. Robert W.
Bussard. Well, I'd run into Dr. Bussard purely by accident in
WordStar Forum, a section in which
people who use the same word-processing program I do come to
share tips and help solve each other's problems. This was too
good to pass up: I told Bussard through CompuServe's
electronic-mail service that I was writing a novel based on his
creation. He referred me to some excellent sources, and agreed
to read the story and offer his comments.
For one plot twist, I wanted to propose a universal computer
virus, a type that could infect any computer designed by any race
anywhere in the galaxy. I asked on CompuServe for help in
identifying the characteristics such a virus would need to have.
Several professional programmers piped up with the kind of expert
feedback I couldn't possibly have gotten as efficiently (or as
cheaply!) any other way. I also needed to describe a death by
radiation exposure. High-priced U.S. specialists gave me all
kinds of information on that topic for free.
More: the novel has many specific dates in the years 2170
and 2177 A.D. for which I had to know the day of the week.
Unfortunately, the perpetual calendars I had didn't go that far
into the future. I also needed some help with identifying
certain prime numbers, as those were the key to decoding alien
radio messages that feature in the plot of Golden Fleece.
I asked on CompuServe. Within hours, one user in Buffalo wrote
me a quickie find-the-primes program and another in New York City
dug up a public-domain perpetual calendar that went far into the
future. He sent it to me via electronic mail so that I could get
the weekdays I needed.
Other freelancers I've spoken to agree: once you get over
the initial hump of learning how to use your modem, how to log
on, and how to search efficiently, online databases become
indispensable tools for the writer trying to make a living in the
information age.
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