SFWRITER.COM > Novels > FlashForward > Outline
Novel Outline
by Robert J. Sawyer
Copyright © 1997 by Robert J. Sawyer
All Rights Reserved.
Spoiler Warning! This document discloses many of the
details of the plot of the novel it discusses. It's strongly
recommended that you not look at this document until after
finishing the novel in question.
David G. Hartwell at Tor Books commissioned Robert J. Sawyer
to write the novel utlimately published as
FlashForward based on this
2,600-word outline. Rob submitted only this outline, and no
sample chapters.
(Ultimately published as FlashForward)
The very near future: Friday, April 17, 2009. MARK DECTER, 47,
is an American physicist working at CERN (Conseil
européenne pour la recherche nucléaire), the
European particle-physics center near Geneva. CERN is supported
by nineteen member countries, but certain nonmember countries
including the United States and Japan have made
major financial contributions to the Large Hadron Collider,
scheduled to be completed early in the first decade of the
twenty-first century. Priced at two billion dollars, the LHC
will be the most powerful particle accelerator ever built,
capable of smashing protons together with a combined energy of
fourteen trillion electron volts.
With the aid of the LHC, Mark Decter, his young research partner
GEORGIOS ("GEORGE") PAPADATOS, and their colleagues hope to
detect the Higgs boson, the Holy Grail of particle physics. The
Higgs particle is predicted by the electroweak theory; it's an
important intermediate step in the long sought-after grand
unified-field theory that would demonstrate that the four
apparently separate forces of nature (gravitation,
electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces) are
really just different manifestations of a single force.
Under Mark and George's supervision, a collision is prepared.
Protons will slam together with greater energy than ever before
in the history of the planet. They're both excited and anxious:
if things go as they predict, they may share a Nobel prize.
There's a countdown until the collision, scheduled to begin
precisely at 10:00 a.m. local time: Five. Four. Three. Two.
One. Zero. And then
Suddenly all of Mark Decter's surroundings change. He's no
longer at CERN; he's no longer even in Switzerland. Instead,
he's in a bedroom somewhere New England, perhaps, judging
by the view through the dormer window. It's autumn (not the
spring he'd been in a moment before); the leaves have turned
color. And it's daytime. If it's 10:00 a.m. in Geneva, it
should be pitch black in the States but everything is
brightly lit. Mark is in bed, naked. He's not alone, though:
he's with a woman. And, suddenly, to his shock, he realizes it's
an old woman. His mind recoils from what he thinks of as
a hag, but he seems to have no control over his body. He leans
in to the withered woman and strokes her shriveled breast, but
then he stops and rises from the bed, needing to visit the
bathroom. And as he makes his way there, he glimpses himself in
the mirror above the bureau: the top of his head is bald, the
fringe around his ears is gray, and his face is deeply lined.
It's as if he's aged twenty years and
And then, suddenly, Mark Decter is back at CERN. The
particle-collision experiment is over. Mark is disoriented and
stunned so much so that the disappointment of the
experiment having failed to detect the Higgs boson doesn't
register at first.
What has happened? It's only a matter of minutes before Mark
determines that it wasn't just he who had a displacement
experience almost everyone at CERN did.
Almost everyone, but not all. Mark's partner, George Papadatos,
experienced nothing not even passing time; he simply
blacked out.
It soon becomes apparent that the phenomenon isn't restricted to
those at CERN. Mark's grad student, JACOB HOROWITZ, had a vision
of himself in the future with an older version of CARLY SIMPKINS.
Carly isn't in Geneva; rather, she works at TRIUMF, Canada's
national meson facility. A phone call from Mark wakes Carly
it is, after all, only shortly after 2:00 a.m. in
At first, Carly claims that nothing unusual has happened. But
after a moment, she recalls an incredibly vivid dream of herself
as an older woman in the company of someone she hardly knows
Jacob Horowitz.
Jacob and Carly haven't spoken to each other since their visions
occurred. Mark and George arrange for Jacob to be questioned by
an expert witness-examiner from the Geneva police and they
arrange for Carly to be examined by a similar expert in
Vancouver. The two accounts including sketches made by
Jacob and Carly of the room they were in and transcripts of their
conversations, match in almost every particular. There's little
room for doubt: it wasn't just a hallucination, but an actual
shared experience.
Meanwhile, CNN is reporting that the phenomenon occurred
worldwide. Some people had visions that included specific time
references newspapers, calendars, watches, and so on. All
the dates match: it seems that for approximately five minutes,
the consciousness of everyone on Earth jumped ahead twenty years,
six months, five days, and nine hours, to 7:21 p.m. Geneva time
(2:21 p.m. Eastern Time) on Tuesday, October 22, 2029. Since the
experience began at the precise moment of the proton-proton
collision at CERN, George and Mark assume their experiment was
somehow responsible.
And that could mean that they are in deep trouble: news reports
make it clear that the carnage has been incredible. Since
everyone in 2009 lost consciousness for five minutes, tens of
thousands are dead: countless automobiles and airplanes have
crashed, medical operations have failed, and so on.
It becomes clear that the world's population now falls into three
categories: about fifty percent had a concrete vision,
indistinguishable from normal waking existence; thirty percent
had a vision either of complete sensory deprivation or with a
dreamlike quality; and twenty percent were like George Papadatos:
they had no vision at all. For them, the five minutes simply
passed as a blackout.
Although interpretations vary, the most popular one is that those
who had realistic visions will be awake at 2:21 p.m. Eastern time
on October 22, 2029; those who experienced darkness or dreams
will be asleep then; and those who experienced nothing at all
will be dead. (The fact that those whose visions were of
sleep are predominantly in the eastern hemisphere, where it will
be night at that time, and those who had no visions at all were
predominantly fifty years or older in 2009, adds credence to this
But George Papadatos is only 29; in twenty years he should be
just 49. He's shocked at the idea that he might be dead at so
young an age.
George's shock grows even more profound when he receives a phone
call from a woman he's never met. She's called to recount what
she experienced during her five minutes of dislocation. Her
future self was reading a newspaper and the article she'd
started reading just as the displacement ended was about George's
murder. It seems that one day before the period everyone else
was having visions of, George Papadatos will be shot dead, by
person or persons unknown.
Can a coherent picture of the future twenty years hence be
assembled? Apparently yes: it's a vast mosaic, with billions of
pieces, illuminating the politics, culture, technology, and
morality of the fascinatingly different world two decades further
All sorts of organizations and individuals race to collect and
capitalize on people's visions but there's no way for any
one group to gather them all. For the bulk of the novel, we
follow the searchings by George Papadatos, who becomes obsessed
with investigating his own murder before it actually happens.
Someone somewhere, after all, may have witnessed the event; this
is the frame that provides the springboard to the rest of the
George uses a combination of newspaper and Internet ads and his
own detective work to track down parties who might have leads
people from his own life, people mentioned in the
newspaper article about his murder, and so on. George's
investigations serve as our entrée to the visions and
lives of many disparate people, from many walks of life, showing
us the powerful range of human reactions to foreknowledge of
one's personal future. The real meat of the book, only hinted at
here, is the series of interconnected, intimate, personal stories
about the lives of the people George investigates in his search
for his own killer; these stories only obliquely provide clues
about the murder their real narrative purpose is to
illuminate the various impacts the visions have on different
Typical of the sort of dilemmas we'll explore is Mark Decter's
own story. He's supposed to get married in a few weeks
but the woman he's engaged to isn't the old woman he saw
in his vision; although age can change appearances, his
fiancée, MICHIKO KOMURA, is Japanese (indeed, she is one
of the Japanese physicists working at CERN), and the woman in the
vision was white.
Michiko had a vision, too. Mark has to wrestle with the
implications of this: the one thing that might have excused his
being with another woman was that, tragically, Michiko had passed
on in the intervening years. But clearly she has not; their
marriage is doomed before it's even begun. Can he now go through
with the wedding, knowing that long before death they will part?
Other people George encounters will have equally compelling
problems. A man about to become a father for the first time will
realize that two decades hence his son will hate him. A woman
who is sacrificing everything in hopes of becoming a famous actor
will learn that her dream will not come true. An engineering
student will be stunned to discover that by 2029 he's become the
cordon bleu chef at a fancy restaurant. The stories will
illuminate the human condition without devolving into moralizing,
or Twilight Zone / O. Henry endings, and the ones we
follow will interlock, forming their own mosaic.
George will eventually track down the police officer who
discovers his body twenty years hence but the future
officer today is a boy just six years old and he's been
traumatized by the horrific vision of the bullet-riddled corpse.
Naturally, everyone wants to know if the visions are to
quote Scrooge things that will be, or only things
that might be. Although Mark Decter can't explain why the
dislocations occurred, he's adamant that they represent an
immutable future: Mark goes on CNN to explain to the world the
work of Hermann Minkowski (1864-1909), the German mathematician
who originally put forth the idea of a space-time continuum, the
framework upon which Einstein developed relativity.
Minkowski proposed and all experimental results to date
indicate that we live in a "block universe." If we think
of ourselves as existing in a two-dimensional universe, then the
space-time continuum is a three-dimensional block or cube. Seen
from the side, each of us is represented by a track through that
cube, beginning at the moment we're born and ending at the moment
we die. Such a block universe can be thought of as a stack of
individual frames of motion-picture film, and "now" is the
particular frame currently collectively under consideration. But
the future and the past are already recorded on other frames, and
are as real and immutable as the one we call "now." Indeed, the
effect of the proton-proton collision was apparently to simply
jump the collective "now" temporarily ahead twenty years,
resulting in the visions.
For most of humanity, this isn't what they want to hear (although
it does allow Mark to divorce himself from blame for the carnage
that occurred during the experiment at CERN those deaths
were inevitable in the Minkowski worldview). For few people does
the actuality of their future live up to their dreams. Many
including, of course, George Papadatos, who wishes to
prevent his own murder refuse to accept Mark's view, and
are actively searching for ways to prove that the future
portrayed in the visions is false or changeable.
Indeed, Mark's fiance, Michiko, is enamored with the ideas of
physicist Frank J. Tipler [a real person]. Tipler contends that
near the omega point the very end of the universe
the artificial intelligences that succeed us will have not only
the power and resources, but also the desire, to recreate every
possible permutation of human DNA and every possible permutation
of human memories in effect resurrecting from the dead all
possible versions of all possible people. The visions, just
possibly, aren't from twenty years hence, but from twenty
billion years hence, and they're not of the one fixed
future, but rather of an arbitrarily selected possible future.
Besides wanting to change the future, most people also want to
know more about it. After a debate at the United Nations, it's
decided to attempt to reproduce the phenomenon by having Mark
Decter and George Papadatos re-run their experiment at CERN.
Everyone worldwide is warned not to be involved in any dangerous
activity driving, landing a plane, performing or
undergoing surgery, at 10:00 p.m. Geneva time. (The time
is offset twelve hours from the last attempt so that those who
experienced visions simply of being asleep will perhaps have a
chance at substantive visions this time out although, of
course, there's no guarantee that the start time of the
proton-proton collision is in any way related to the apparent
time in the visions.)
The attempt to reproduce the vision experience fails, but, to
Mark and George's delight, the Higgs boson is detected
this time.
It's soon determined that it wasn't just the original collision
at CERN that caused the visions, but rather that the cause was
the collision in conjunction with an influx of radiation from the
sun, related to the current sunspot maximum (sunspots wax and
wane over an eleven-year cycle). The radiation from the sun
arrived without warning and at the speed of light (meaning no
advance indication of a future burst is possible), and it takes
days to set up the collider so it seems that there's no
way to reproduce the visions.
Our character-driven stories take a new twist when Mark is proven
wrong the future is not carved in stone. Michiko proves
that a discontinuity in reality has occurred: for five minutes,
every human being on planet Earth was experiencing the future,
not the present. During those five minutes, no one at all was
actually observing what was going on in 2009. But quantum
mechanics demands observers: it is the act of observation
that causes wave fronts, representing all the possibilities that
might be, to collapse into one concrete reality. The initial
experiment with the Large Hadron Collider should have
produced the Higgs boson both times, not just the second time
and the fact that it didn't simply underscores that no
observers were available during the first attempt, preventing the
wave fronts from collapsing. This discontinuity has broken
humanity free of the restricting block universe. People
will be able to use the insights they gained about what
might happen to better their lives.
Michiko and Mark marry in a ceremony in Switzerland; they're
going to face the future, whatever it might bring, together, with
their eyes wide open . . .
In an epilogue, twenty years later in 2029 we learn
the ironic resolution of George Papadatos's story: he was killed
by PAUL HABIB, one of the people he'd interviewed while
researching his own murder. Habib hadn't known George at all in
2009, but George had tracked him down and induced him to reveal
his vision a vision that was meaningless to Habib at the
time he shared it, but as the day it portrayed draws closer,
Habib realizes that anyone knowing its contents could ruin him.
In a looping effect, underscoring that humanity has indeed broken
free of the block universe with its linear life paths, we see
that if George hadn't investigated his own murder, he never would
have been killed . . .
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