SFWRITER.COM > Novels > Fossil Hunter > Review Excerpts
Review Excerpts
Robert J. Sawyer's Fossil Hunter
Tom Easton in Analog (New York): "A very
interesting piece of work, quite satisfying on its own. Bridges
between the very enticing first entry in the series and Sawyer's
goal, whatever that might be. I'm looking forward to finding
Bakka Books in-store review (Toronto):
"Using a
seldom-seen classic style, Sawyer blend elements of mystery,
romance and action-adventure into a rigorous hard-sf novel."
Books in Canada (Toronto): "Sawyer, who has already
collected a heap of awards and critical praise, will only add to
his quickly growing reputation with his latest novel. The plot
is a deft blending of fantastic adventure with an uncanny
allegory of the human condition. The beleaguered Quintaglios
must deal, in one way or another, with all the thorny issues that
plague life here on Earth: famine, war, territoriality and
tribalism, class warfare, the erosion of cultural traditions, the
price of heresy, and even (in an unsettling parallel) with the
controversy over abortion and birth control. Sawyer's narrative
brilliance is such that he can tackle all these serious topics
and still deliver an entrancing, even charming story that keeps
us hooked with sly cliff-hanger chapter endings. Although
Fossil Hunter is obviously aimed
at the SF crowd, it deserves a much wider readership."
Circular of Janus, Circle of Janus SF Club of Central
Indiana: "Normally, this isn't the type of story I'd go bonkers
about, but Sawyer puts his heart and soul into the story of his
dinosaur people, and the result is solid and impressive. Highly
Geolog (newsmagazine of The Geological Association of
Canada): "A great epic of the nascent scientific age. Half a
dozen subplots covering diverse themes such as the origin of life
and political machinations in the Royal Court, each a decent
story in its own right, only add to the overall impact of the
Terence M. Green, author of Shadow of Ashland:
"Sawyer delivers a pyrotechnical display of credible scientific
speculation with cosmic overtones, combined with the
sure-handedness of fine story-telling: a novel up to his own
high standards. He lets his Quintaglio epic stretch and grow to
new heights, touching on the fabled Sense of Wonder."
KLIATT: Young Adult Paperback Book Guide (Newton,
Massachusetts) (starred review "highlighting an exceptional
book"): "Dissension, strife, power struggles and murder
abound. Recommended."
Library Journal (New York): "Doctrines of evolution and
creationism clash in an unexpected context in this thoughtful and
compelling sf adventure, which belongs in most sf collections."
Now (Toronto): "Fossil Hunter
caused me to miss my stop for the first time in many years
of subway reading. Having journeyed to the world of the
Quintaglios, I don't think I'll ever think of dinosaurs, nor of
human progress, in quite the same way."
The New York Review of Science Fiction: "I'd seriously
recommend Fossil Hunter as
better than any high school biology text I've seen on classic
Darwinian evolution."
Quill & Quire: Canada's Magazine of Book News and Reviews
(Toronto) (starred review "indicating a book of exceptional
merit"): "The characterization is brilliant, the plotting
enviable, and the narrative technique tight and fast-paced. This
is a completely successful novel that should be read by science
fiction fans, by those who no longer read science fiction, and by
those who never have. Fossil Hunter,
like Far-Seer
before it, is not just wonderful SF; it's wonderful fiction."
The Richmond Hill Liberal (Richmond Hill, Ontario): "A
serious treatment of serious themes; a good read filled with
intriguing notions. Sawyer develops the main characters into
complex, well-rounded people. Fossil Hunter
will whet the
appetite to return to this fascinating world."
Science Fiction Chronicle (New York): "Every bit as good
as its excellent predecessor [Far-Seer].
Makes me more
anxious than ever to see the final volume."
The Toronto Star: "A superlative science-fiction novel.
Sawyer has created a perfectly believable society populated by
distinct and fully realized characters. Strongly recommended."
Under the Ozone Hole (Vancouver): "Another cracking good
adventure yarn. Blends elements of detective fiction with
science and sociology . . . handled by the author with clear,
energetic writing that will appeal to many readers of speculative
adventure fiction."
Voice of Youth Advocates: "Sawyer has done an admirable
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