SFWRITER.COM > About Rob > Alouette Interview
Interview with Robert J. Sawyer
by Edo van Belkom
First published in the September 1992 issue of Alouette: The
Newsletter of the Canadian Region of SFWA
Copyright 1992 by Edo van Belkom
Robert J. Sawyer's first novel,
Golden Fleece (Warner, 1990)
garnered raves from many reviewers, including Orson Scott Card,
who chose it as the best SF novel of the year. Golden Fleece won both Canada's
Best-English-Novel Aurora Award and the CompuServe SF Forum's
HOMer Award for Best First Novel. Sawyer's next two books were
auctioned in 1991, with Ace Books coming out the winner. The
first, Far-Seer Book One in his
Quintaglio series was released in June 1992. It also met with
glowing reviews: Asimov's called it a "tour de force,"
Quill & Quire said it was "a riveting tale; refreshingly
original; thrilling, compelling a real treat," and The
Toronto Star declared, "Without question, one of the year's
outstanding sf books." The sequel, Fossil
Hunter, will be out in May 1993, and Ace has bought a
third Quintaglio book, as well. End of an
Era, the other book Ace purchased in the 1991 auction,
will be published in 1994. A full-time writer since 1983, Sawyer
sold his first SF story in 1979 and made the jump to writing SF
exclusively 10 years later.
Edo van Belkom: You are a hard science-fiction writer. Was that
something you consciously set out to do or it is the kind of SF
that you're most comfortable with?
Robert J. Sawyer: The only SF that really appealed to me when I
was growing up was hard SF. I was a fan of
Clarke and
Asimov from day one. I've always had an
interest in scientists and right up until the end of high school
I wanted to be a scientist professionally. My particular
interest was paleontology, but when it came time to actually
assess my career goals, I couldn't see spending another ten years
in school so that when I finally graduated I could make $18,000 a
year sifting dirt. But I've always been interested in science,
and indeed I had an interest in science before I had an interest
in SF, so I've naturally gravitated towards SF that has real
scientific content to it.
van Belkom: One of the knocks against hard-SF writers is that
their characters are often wooden and their sole purpose is
merely to advance the plot. You create well-defined characters
while still writing hard SF. Is this something you knew you had
to pay particular attention to or was it something that came to
you naturally?
Sawyer: It was neither, unfortunately. When I started writing
SF, even when I first started selling, I was not skilled in
characterization. In fact I had no particular flare for it and I
think I shared the same drawback that Clarke and Asimov and many
other hard-SF writers shared: I thought, gee, the ideas are so
exciting that characterization isn't necessary. The thing that
appealed to me about SF writing and I started writing it when
I was a teenager was that here was a literature in which I
could do things they never touched on in the high-school English
classroom: things of speculation and sense of wonder and alien
civilizations and vast starry vistas. In my early twenties I did
my first draft of what eventually became the novelette version of
Golden Fleece. I showed it to
Terence M. Green, an established
writer, and he took me aside and said, "You know, the science is
great. I love your science. I love your speculation, but I
don't care about the people in this. I don't believe the
characters." This really took me aback because I kind of thought
characterization wasn't important in SF. So I've really made an
effort for about eight years now to focus on characterization.
The greatest thing that happened to Golden Fleece, when it
was eventually expanded to a novel, was Orson Scott Card picked
it as the best SF novel of 1990. Well, I met Card when he was in
Toronto last summer and said, "I'm really glad you liked the
novel. I have another coming out, Far-Seer." And he
said, "Tell me a bit about it." I told him, "Well, you might not
like it because it doesn't have quite the same level of
mathematics and engineering in it that made Golden Fleece
such a hard-SF novel." And he said, "That's okay, I didn't care
about any of that stuff; the thing I liked most about your book
was the characterization." Well, for me that was it. That's
when I knew I'd succeeded.
van Belkom: Your second novel,
Far-Seer, features the
Quintaglios, which are basically
dinosaurs, tyrannosaurs in particular. In the past, the knock
aliens in SF was that they are more
like human beings than alien beings. What makes the Quintaglios
different from us?
Sawyer: I live in Toronto, which has a reputation worldwide for
being a safe city, and yet I was assaulted outside my apartment
building a few months ago. Human beings are incredibly violent.
And yet when we look at cultures that don't live in these
overpopulated cities, they have far less innate violence. I've
always been intrigued by why "civilized man" is such a violent
being. I think the reason is that humanity is in essence a
carnivorous species that paradoxically doesn't kill its own food.
Our food is killed by other people for us and we buy it in these
pristine Styrofoam packages with cellophane wrappers. The
Quintaglios are my exploration of what if you had a civilization
where you didn't have to sublimate that urge to kill? I suspect
that rather than being a more savage race, you end up with beings
who are more compassionate and fundamentally pacifistic because
they've got that way of purging their violence.
van Belkom: Your first novel, Golden Fleece, was a
critical success, but perhaps not as financially successful
as you would have liked. Still, you'd sold a total of five
novels before your second book had even seen print. Do you
consider yourself fortunate, or is it all part of some career
plan that's going along according to schedule?
Sawyer: I'm a big believer in career planning. However, I think
my career is going better than I could possibly have hoped for.
The recognition Golden Fleece got was substantially
greater than most first novels get, with
rave reviews in everywhere from
F&SF and Science Fiction Review to The Toronto
Star and Library Journal. Those reviews really gave
my career a boost, putting me in a position where my second and
third books could be auctioned. I think my career is probably
two or three years ahead of where it would have been if I hadn't
been lucky enough to have Golden Fleece noticed.
van Belkom: You've occasionally taken the bull by the horns and
done some of your own promotion. Has that helped?
Sawyer: Absolutely. I want to continue to write SF full-time. I
have made my living as a writer since 1983, but most of that was
through doing non-fiction and corporate work. I do not believe
SF is a buyer's market: this idea that whatever crumbs a
publisher might throw our way are more than adequate compensation
for what we do because anybody can write SF. That's the most
crippling myth that SF writers labor under. I flat-out reject
that. So I have indeed undertaken to draw some attention to my
work. I did 75 bound galleys at my own expense for Golden
Fleece which cost me, including printing and postage, about
$500. That's the best $500 I've ever spent in my life! It was
pure self-promotion because my publisher, Warner, wasn't going to
do any bound galleys of a first novel by an unknown author. I
can trace almost every piece of positive publicity directly to my
own intervention. I can trace my sale of Golden Fleece to
Science Fiction Book Club directly to my
drawing it to the attention of Ellen Asher at the 1991 Nebula
Awards Banquet and providing her with a sheaf of reviews. I want
to write SF full-time, but I do not want to starve in a garret.
I want to make a decent living, and if that means I have to push,
I don't think there's anything wrong with pushing. But remember:
all you can do is make sure people notice your book. The
judgment they pass on it is something you have no way of
controlling except by doing the best damn job of writing you can.
van Belkom: When you originally wrote Far-Seer, did you
have plans for it to be part of a continuing series?
Sawyer: This is going to surprise my editor when he reads this.
I had no intention of there being a
Quintaglio series. I believe deeply in the artistic principles
of SF. Basically, I'm against series books; I'm against
trilogies. I'm against writers going back and yanking the same
teat year after year trying to get more milk out of an old idea.
When I was writing non-fiction, I had no qualms about writing
whatever somebody else wanted me to write. But people were
paying me a dollar a word for my non-fiction I'll write
anything for a dollar a word. But if I'm going to take a cut in
pay, which I have, the only reason to do that is to write what
I want to write. That said, when I handed in
Far-Seer to
my agent, Richard Curtis, he called me up and
said, "I loved the book, but you've killed the main character at
the end." I said, "Yes. I thought it was quite poignant." "No,
no," he said, "How are you going to do a sequel?" I said I had
no intention of doing a sequel this book stands on its own.
He said, "No, we can really push this book if we present it as
the first book in a series." I mulled it over a few days and
then said, "Okay." So the sequel,
Fossil Hunter, was written
completely from scratch. I make peace with myself because I
didn't have some crass plan that I was only going to go so far in
volume one, and then milk it a little more in volume two, put a
teaser in volume three, and keep jerking people along. I want to
give people value for their money by giving them a complete work
in every book.
van Belkom: You're against writers going back and yanking the
same teat, but your first novel, Golden Fleece, was
expanded from a novelette.
Sawyer: I was heavily influenced by the experience of two of my
friends: Andrew Weiner, who wrote a
novella, "Station Gehenna," published in The Magazine of
Fantasy & Science Fiction, and
Terence M. Green, who wrote a novelette
called "Barking Dogs," also published in F&SF. Both of
them subsequently expanded their works to novel length. This
seemed to be a good way to tackle the process of writing a novel.
By the time I had written my first novel, I had published well
over one hundred magazine articles. But these had all been
pieces of 2,000 words in length. The idea of producing even a
60,000-word novel was incredibly daunting to me. Although my
goal had always been to write books, the only way I could see
myself doing that was step by step, starting with a novelette.
van Belkom: I know you have many times thought about leaving SF
and trying another genre, mystery fiction perhaps. Does that
thought still enter your mind every once in a while?
Sawyer: There was a very interesting article in the SFWA
Bulletin recently by a writer who had written shotgun in a
bunch of genres and never made any impact in any of them. And
that hit home for me because I don't really believe in genres. I
believe in writers' voices and there are things Rob Sawyer would
like to say that might fit best in a book that didn't have an
alien or a spaceship on its cover. This isn't going to make me
popular, but sometimes after I've gone to an
SF convention or given a reading, some of
the people in attendance strike me as not being the audience that
I envisioned when I was writing the work. Sometimes it's
depressing to write stuff that you think is powerful and has
something to say about what it is to be human, only to find that
the audience that you most directly interact with is composed of
a significant percentage of people who are socially challenged
and somewhat limited in their life experience. I have serious
aspirations to my craft, but sometimes the feedback I get from
the SF audience is not the feedback that I was hoping for. And I
know there's an element of career suicide in saying that, and, on
the other hand, every once in a while you get a letter or meet
somebody who is the kind of person you had in mind when you wrote
the book and that recharges the batteries for another round of
going up against people who wear propeller beanies and pointed
ears, and want to argue every scientific detail with you but
don't know anything about life.
van Belkom: At what point will you say, "Damn the publishers and
everyone else, I'm going to write the book I want to write,
mainstream or not?" Do you think that will ever come?
Sawyer: I think that point is going to come. I'm really happy
with my current publisher, which is Ace. But as my aspirations
become wider than the category confines it will be interesting to
see whether Ace and I continue to have a completely harmonious
relationship. But here's Sawyer's Rule of Writing: the more
somebody pays you for something, the less likely it will be
something you want to write. I have been paid very large sums of
money to write things that haven't interested me in the least. I
am quite content to be paid much smaller sums of money to write
what I want to write. I will gladly write the third and
perhaps more Quintaglio books, but the book I'm going to write
after the next Quintaglio book is going to
be one hundred per cent for me and for the audience that I
van Belkom: You mentioned Terence M.
Green earlier in this interview. He has broken out of what
Canadians like to call the "SF Ghetto" by having his most recent
novel published by McClelland & Stewart, Canada's biggest
mainstream publisher. Do you look to his as the ideal career
path, the one you'd like to follow?
Sawyer: A lot of people look down on SF. A lot of people who
would be moved or touched by my stories will never read them
because there are those words "science fiction" on the spines of
the books. Terry Green has broken out in the sense that what he
writes has transcended the genre boundaries. Those of us within
SF will always embrace him as one of us, but he is also reaching
the bank executive, the doctor, the high-school teacher, and the
rest of the literate readership who would never touch a book with
a garish cover and the initials "SF" on the spine. I want to
reach that same audience with at least some of my works. Part of
what I do will always have the tropes and conventions of
traditional SF and will be packaged as nothing but that. But I
want to have the room to reach the whole literate audience, not
just that portion that goes into the SF section of the bookstore.
Whether I have the talent and whether my publishers have the
faith in me for that to happen is something that only time will
Edo van Belkom is a member of SFWA and the Horror Writers of
America. He has sold two dozen stories of SF, fantasy, and
horror to such publications as Aethlon, Gent,
Haunts, Midnight Zoo, Northern Frights,
The Raven, and Year's Best Horror
20. He lives in Brampton, Ontario, with his wife Roberta and
son Luke.
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