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Domestic Canadian SF? You Bet!
by Robert J. Sawyer
First published in the May 1993 issue of Alouette: The
Newsletter of the Canadian Region of SFWA
Copyright © 1993 by
Robert J. Sawyer
All Rights Reserved
I recently heard someone claim that there's no such thing as
a domestic Canadian SF and fantasy market. That's nonsense, even
if you set aside the large array of French publications.
Consider what was published domestically in English just last
year [1992]: 29 works in Tesseracts 4, 18 pieces in
Northern Frights, 22 stories in
Ark of Ice, and 28 pieces in three
issues of On Spec. That's a total of almost 100 pieces,
all paid for, all published domestically. Are there ten times
that many open paying slots for short SF&F in the States?
Perhaps. Twenty times? No way. On a per capita basis, we have
a short-form market about the same size as theirs.
But wait: surely 1992 was a fluke, right? Wrong. A new volume
in the Tesseracts series has been published every second
year since 1984. Northern Frights 2 is now almost full.
Starting in January of this year, On Spec has switched to
a quarterly schedule. Granted, Ark of Ice was a
standalone book, but it was Pottersfield's third volume of short
SF, and, anyway, Shivers 2, another Canadian dark-fantasy
collection, is in the works for 1993.
Ah, but what about novels? Well, in 1992, McClelland &
Stewart published
Terry Green's Children of the
Rainbow. Viking Canada brought out the worldwide first
edition of Guy Kay's A Song for Arbonne (which debuted at
#1 on the Globe and Mail bestsellers' list); Viking's
edition was completely separate from the American Crown edition
or the British HarperCollins one. And Beach Holme, which has
been building a respectable line of SF titles, released
Passion Play by Sean Stewart, and then sent the author on
a three-city promotional tour, something U.S. SF publishers
rarely do.
(Indeed, all three of these books made the
Aurora ballot, meaning that, for the
first time, there were more domestically published English novels
nominated than there were American-published ones.)
More: Both Bantam U.S.A. and Ace proved the legitimacy of
first publishing in Canada. Bantam brought out Élisabeth
Vonarburg's The Silent City under their prestigious
Spectra Special Editions imprint, and Ace bought U.S.
rights to Sean Stewart's Passion Play both books had
previously been published here by Beach Holme. Likewise,
Garfield Reeves-Stevens's novels originally published in Canada
continue to be reprinted by Warner in the States.
Canadian SF&F also continues to appear in the little
magazines that are the backbone of
CanLit, journals easily as
prestigious as a Pulphouse or an MZB's Fantasy
Magazine. In 1992, Jim Gardner and Lance Robinson both
placed genre tales with The New Quarterly, for instance.
And then there are nascent markets, such as Alberta's
Senary and Quebec's Edge Detector.
No, there can be no realistic question about whether a
separate Canadian market for SF exists which, of course, is
exactly why we need a Canadian Region of SFWA.
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